This series explores Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. In this message, we look at Matthew 5:17-20. Here Jesus sets the bar high. How high? Please watch.

With our modern technologies many ideas may come to mind when you think of light--from the sun's natural light to flashlights, nightlights, LED, or the glow of cellphone screen. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his disciples that they are the light of the world. What did he mean? This sermon examines what it means to be the light of the world by first considering what it does not mean.

On occasion, things come along that challenge the way we see the world. Jesus had a way of bringing fresh and challenging perspectives to his hearers. In the opening words of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, he uprooted and overturned his followers' previously held views on power, strength, virtue, and blessing. Please read Matthew 5:1-12 and watch the following video before playing this sermon:

Conflicts happen. Sometimes we are the cause for conflict and sometimes the actions of others brings on the conflict. How are we to respond? Please watch this sermon on Matthew 5:21-26 to find out.

In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenged the norms of the day, not by abolishing them, but by moving them from measurable outward actions to a deep, inward life transformation. Here, we see the importance of our thoughts in being faithful.

What can we learn from Leonard and the mysterious disappearing Cheetos? Please read Matthew 5:33-37 and watch this message on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount to find out.

Revenge and generosity both boil down to what we give. The one gives pain, the other hope. In Matthew 5:38-42 we see Jesus' call in his "Sermon on the Mount" to live generously.

There is something innate within us that sets out to push the limits of human achievement to see how far, how fast, how great we can become in this life. What about spiritually? How far can we go? Are we bound by limits? Watch this video on Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" as we explore Matthew 5:43-48.

Superheroes and villains wear masks to conceal their identity--the latter to get away with their harmful acts without being caught and the former to do their...

In Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," he encouraged his listeners to keep three secrets. In this video, we look at the second of those three as found in Matthew 6:5-15.

In this video, we look at the third secret which Jesus instructed his hearers to keep as found in Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount." Please read Matthew 6:16​-18 for more.
In Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," he encouraged his hearers to live life with a singularity of focus. Find out more in this message on Matthew 6:19​-24.
In Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," we are called to consider the birds and the lilies. Through these, Jesus reminds us of God's loving care and urges us to live with a worry-free trust in the God who knows our deepest needs.
Jesus had a sense of humor. In his "Sermon on the Mount," he used levity to communicate a serious issue. In Matthew 7:1-6, Jesus provided instructions that are always applicable, especially in today's politically charged climate.
Gift giving is a long-standing tradition accompanying major holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. We often strive to give good gifts to others. God also desires to give good to each of us. Watch as we explore the portion of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" found in Matthew 7:7-12.
In Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," Jesus encouraged his listeners to follow the narrow path, watch out for voices that would try to get you off track, and to do the will of God. Watch this message for more on Matthew 7:13​-23.
A building needs a solid foundation to withstand the weather over the long-term. We too need to construct our lives on a solid foundation to withstand life's storms. Watch this video as we examine the closing words of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount"